Would you like to be in on the secrets motivated people use to get things done?
How is it that a successful person can get so much done? They have the same 24 hours in a day that we do right?
Do you want to harness that same energy? I’ve got you!
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Most of us feel like the things we need to get done will take forever to accomplish. I’m guilty of that too.
Melyssa Griffin has a business blog and wrote a post about this very same thing. She decided to do an experiment on it. Read about it here.

First thing’s first.
Write it down! Write down what it is that you have to get done, even if it is a quick task, then put a check mark box in front of your task. This will free it from the forefront of your mind but ensure that you don’t forget about it.
If it is a big job, break it up into several parts to make it less overwhelming.
I like to use a large notepad like this one but any paper will do.

Now that you have written everything down, you can clear your head a bit. Embrace that little bit of weight lifted off of your shoulders.
Pull yourself together
Take a shower, brush your teeth, get dressed, fix your hair, etc. We feel more motivated when we look put together.

Get Moving
Put on some upbeat music and move around. Take a walk outside or even around your house. Get that blood pumping one way or another.
A fitness enthusiast will tell you how simply moving around at a steady pace can increase endorphins. By doing this, you are already changing your mindset without even knowing it.
The “why”
Remind yourself why you need to get this job done. Is it for your family? Your job? Your sanity? Lean on your “why” and let it remind you of the reason you need to get things done.

The power of positivity
Talk about something positive with someone, anyone. Mention something or someone you are grateful for. Recite affirmations. Make a mental note to learn about the law of attraction to help you continue this momentum.

Turn off social media
This needs no explination. While social media is a great way to stay connected, it can also be a distraction. So take a break and save social media as a reward after you have completed your task.
Take a few minutes to declutter your work area. Now I’m not saying to revamp your entire desk right now (that will be in another post) so clear away clutter from the area you need to be in to get your task done and straighten up the items you need to keep close by. A tidy area always feels much nicer to work in.

Start with the hard stuff
Take your new found energy and get those hard tasks done and out of the way first. Spend that energy tackling those jobs you want to put off the most. Once it is complete, you will feel that weight melt off and your other duties won’t seem as difficult to take on. Check that box off on your list. Ahh what a good feeling.
Know what time you “slump”
We all have that time of day when we just want to curl up and take a nap. Usually it is mid afternoon. When you hit this time, back off. Don’t push yourself any harder then necessary BUT don’t make your “slump” time more then an hour. This is the time to recharge.

Give yourself credit
Stop and look back at all that you have accomplished and pat yourself on the back. REALLY. Take the time to physically look at the work you have done and tell yourself that your time was spent productively. Give yourself a reward even if it’s as small as a fresh cup of coffee.

Rest without guilt. You deserve it. Sit back with your feet up and let go of the work day.

Leave me a comment telling me any tips you have implemented into your life that help motivate you.
Come visit me on Facebook and go see what I’m pinning on Pinterest.
Even Isaac Newton figured out that a body in motion tends to stay in motion…so YES…get moving! It often makes me STAY moving. Sometimes I have a hard time getting started because I think the list is so long but actually WRITING down the list, makes me realize that the list ISN’T that long afterall! So, I make my list and then I go on a walk-because exercize is something that I have to put on my list!
Great strategy! I bet you get a lot done in a day. Good for you!
I loved alll of these! They were all great strategies. Thanks so much for sharing!
Love, love, love these tips! Writing down a to do list is always a HUGE help to me when I have a lot that I need/want to do, plus the mere act of crossing things off that list helps my motivation too! Music is always a big must for me. If I don’t have a super fun, upbeat song playing, there’s no way I’m getting out of bed or off the couch! 😅😂
Write it down is a must I have found! I always think I will remember and your brain gets overloaded yes!
Absolutely love these tips. Makes me want to be productive today, even though it’s Sunday!
Good for you! I know the feeling. I’m getting some things done today too.
Charlene, I definitely needed to read his today as my motivation was in need of a recharge. Thank you for this great article.
I could have used this informayion years ago when I was working.
Great tips! I find writing down what I need to do very helpful.
Definitely. I love a notepad and a good pen.
This is a lot of good information/suggestions. I have wrote a list for years I use a spiral notebook ($1.00 dollar tree) Last thing I do at the end of the day is check to see if any thing is left to do. If so I move it to the next day. Each notebook last me over a month and when I have something that I might need quickly I put a post it flag on the page.
That is a great idea Gloria. I love a nice notebook and a good pen. I prefer the old fashioned method myself.
I used these exact steps to keep motivated. Now that Iam in the empty nest stage I have no excuses to why I have not followed through with thinks. I had to put in protective how important it is to me.
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Love this! All these tips are so important and sometimes we overlook what a big difference they make. Thanks for sharing (: https://angiewaves.com/
Lots of good information here.
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